About Clevedon Skittles League
Clevedon United Social Club
Clevedon Rugby Club
Conservative Club
Promenade Bowling Club
Waggon & Horses
- The League shall be called "THE CLEVEDON SKITTLES LEAGUE".
- The Annual General Meeting of the League shall be held not later than the 31st July each year.
- An extraordinary General Meeting can be called on a requisition signed by at least two thirds of the members of the League being delivered to the General Secretary at least twenty eight days before the proposed date of such a meeting.
- The Headquarters of the League shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting.
- The Officers of the League shall consist of: The President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture Secretary, Competition Secretary and Result Secretary.
- The Committee of the League shall consist of the Officers and one representative from each registered team.
- The Officers of the League shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. Any Committee Member can be nominated for the foregoing offices. The retiring Officers shall be considered as nominated unless they have expressed to the General Secretary in writing at least fourteen days prior to the meeting, their intention not to stand for re-election. All other nominations must be made to the General Secretary in writing at least seven days prior to the meeting. The written consent of the nominee must be included with the nomination. Should there be more than one nomination for any office, a ballot paper will be prepared. The votes of the teams present and voting will be collected and counted by three scrutineers appointed by the meeting.
- The Executive and Finance Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture Secretary, Competition Secretary, Result Secretary plus two members of the Committee, who shall be elected at the Annual General Metting.
- The accounts of the League shall be kept by the Treasurer and closed on the 30th June each year. The Revenue Account and Finance Statement shall be presented to the Executive and Finance Committee for audit by the 31st July each year.
- All teams applying for admission or re-admission to the League must do so by the 31st May each year, in writing to the Fixture Secretary. The Committee shall have the power to refuse any application for any reason whatsoever.
- In the event of any Officer resigning or ceasing to be a member of the League during their term of Office, the Executive Committee shall if deemed necessary, co-opt a member to temporarily fill the vacancy.
- In the event of any Officer or member of the League refusing to observe the rules or by-laws of the League or whose conduct is such as shall, in the opinion of the Committee, bring the League into disrepute or be injurious to the interests or objectives of the League, they may be expelled. Before any Officer or member of the League is expelled, they shall be given full opportunity to justify their conduct to the Committee.
Any resolution which refers, or in part refers, or which has any bearing on the financial accounts of the League shall be decided only by a majority of at least two thirds of the teams present at the meeting when a vote is taken. Any resolution whach has no bearing on the financial accounts of the League shall be decided by a majority of the teams present at the meeting when a vote is taken.
(See rule 15)
In all cases where voting is equal the Chairman may exercise a casting vote. Should the Chairman not wish to exercise this privelege the resolution shall be rejected. Any resolution which has been rejected shall not be raised again during the financial year in which it was proposed.
- The Committee shall have the power to make, vary or revoke by-laws for the administration of League affairs.
- No alteration, amendment, addition or revokement of these rules shall be made except at an Annual General Meeting and then only by a resolution passed by a majority of at least two thirds of the teams present when a vote is taken. No persons shall move a resolution involving any alteration, amendment, addition or revokement, unless they have given to the General Secretary in writing, at least fourteen days prior to the Annual General Meeting, their intention to do so. All resolutions must include the signature of the proposer and seconder together with the terms of the proposition.
- The Committee shall have power to deal with any matter not provided for in these rules.
- The Management Committee will meet during the playing season on dates to be decided by the Executive Committee. Accounts will be issued at these meetings and payment must be made within 21 days. Any team not represented at the meetings, leaving the meetings early and/or failing to pay by the stipulated time will be fined.
- At all Committee Meetings each member or their representative are entitled to one vote. In all cases where voting is equal, the Chairman may exercise a casting vote in addition to his own. Should he not wish to exercise this privelege, the motion or amendment shall be rejected.
- Should any motion or amendment be defeated or rejected, it hsall not be raised again during that season.
- All entrance fees to the League and Cup competitions and the number and value of prizes, registration fees etc., will be decided annually by the Management Committee.
- In all League and Cup games, each team shall pay a match fee to the league, the sum of which shall be decided annually by the Management Committee.
- Team Captains will be responsible for all League fees, fines and other monies due to the League by their team, also the safe custody and good condition of trophies won. These must be returned to the Chairman in a clean condition by 31st March each year.
- Team Captains must provide a list of their players to the Result Secretary prior to the commencement of the playing season. New players should be registered with the Result Secretary before playing in a match, or allowed to play provided the opposing captain is informed before playing, the new name is noted on the score card and Result Secretary informed within 24 hours after the match. No registrations of new players will be accepted after 31st January each year unless the Executive Committee decided such registrations necessary for a team to fulfil their fixtures.
- A registered player may have one transfer (before 31st January) in any one season. Notification of transfer must be given in writing, and signed by both the transferring player and the new Captain, to the Result Secretary at least 24 hours before playing in a match.
- Any team playing an ineligible player will forfeit the match. The 10 winning points and the 2 bonus points from the unregistered player's set will also be awarded to the opposing team. The remaining set points to be awarded as described in By-Law 10.
- Each team shall consist of twelve players who will play in six sets of two. League matches will be decided on the aggregate score of the twelve players. The team with the highest aggregate score at the end of each match will be awarded ten points. The winners of each set will be awarded two points. In the event of a tie, either in a match or a set, the points will be shared. The points collected from each match will be credited to the teams concerned, and a League table recorded. The team with the highest number of points at the end of the season will become division champions.
- In the event of a tie for the League championship, runners up or relegation positions, a play-off will take place on a neutral alley which shall be decided by the Executive Committee.
- All matches should commence not later than 8.00pm. Continual complaints of teams arriving late shall be referred to the Executive Committee.
- All League matches to be played on the appropriate night of the home team. The Captain of the home team to arrange for, and pay, the sticker up.
- The home team captain shall be responsible for ensuring that a copy of the result card, signed by both captains, is delivered to the Results Secretary or to the league headquarters by 6.00pm of the Monday following the week in which the match is played. Failure to comply will result in a fine being imposed by the Management Committee. Continual breaking of the rule will bring a more severe penalty.
- All matches to be played with the pins and balls of the home team. The front pin must have a two inch line painted around the centre, and the two front quarter pins must have a two inch line painted above and below the centre.
- The same set of pins and balls and pin positions on the diamond must be used throughout the season. The Executive Committee shall have the power to authorise any changes should the standard fall below that required.
- On all alleys used by the league, a white line shall be provided which shall run the width of the playing surface and shall not be less than 6ft from the starting point of play. The ball must make contact with the alley before it crosses the white line.
- If a pin is hit from its spot and leaves the diamond without falling, it shall be counted as down, removed by the sticker-up, and added to the player's score.
- If the pin is hit, falls but then regains the upright position off the diamond, it shall be counted as down, removed by the sticker-up, and added to the player's score.
- If a pin is hit, falls but then regains the upright position on the diamond, it shall not be counted as down, but remain in that position for the player to continue to finish his/her hand.
- At the discretion of the two captains concerned, linesmen may be appointed, one from each team, in any match played. A ball delivered over the line to be called over. Any player touching or crossing the line before or after releasing the ball, a no-ball shall be called. The linesman's decision shall be final. Should any disagreement occur between the linesmen, the pins struck with that ball shall be replaced and the ball re-taken. If both linesmen agree an infringement of the rule has occurred, the pins struck are to be left down and only the remaining pins and balls to count for that player's hand. In all instances, one or both of the linesmen must call before the ball makes contact with the pins. Failure to do so, the pins shall count to a player's score even if an infringement has taken place.
- In the event of a team having insufficient players available to complete a set, the remaining players to play three hands each. Should a player become available up to this point, he/she shall be allowed to play his/her full hand. If, however, each player in the set has completed three hands before a player becomes available, the set shall be completed without him/her, and the defaulting team considered to be a player short. Full League fees to be paid.
The cancellation and re-arranging of matches must be kept to a minimum. However, if there is a need
- at least 7 days notice must be given to the opposing Captain and Fixture Secretary, and
- a revised playing date has to be agreed by all parties within 14 days of the cancelling date.
Failure to comply with either of these two time constraints, or teams not turning up for arranged matches will result in a fine of £10 being imposed on the offending team, together with any sticker-up fees incurred.
No fines will be imposed if cancellation is due to bad weather, the alley becoming unavailable or a bereavement within a team.
If a cup match is cancelled within 7 days, the match will be awarded to the non-offending team. In other circumstances it will be the decision of the Fixture Secretary.
If a league game is cancelled, every effort will be made to play the game. If this is not possible, r the match is forfeited, the game will be deemed to have been played and the opposing team will receive 10 points, plus set points calculated from an average of their previous five home or away games, which ever is applicable. The offending team will receive no points.
All Cup Matches will be decided on total pinfall; the sticker-up fees shall be equally paid by the teams concerned. The winning team captain shall be responsible for posting the result to the Fixture Secretary within 24 hours of the match being played. Failure to do so will result in a fine being imposed.
If the match ends in a tie, three extra ends will be played to determine the result. Two players from each team will be selected by their captain and they must have previously participated in the match. If, on completion of the additional three ends, the scores are still tied, extra end(s) will be played on a sudden death basis until a result is achieved.
- In the event of a team failing to complete their fixtures, or not complying to their league obligations, their playing record shall be erased from all League competitions.
- Captains of teams visiting Clubs must send a list of all players and supporters to the Club at least 48 hours before the match.
Singles and Pairs Rules.
- All contestants must be registered League players.
- Both players must be from the same team and both must compete.
- All players to be at the alley by 8.45pm when the board closes, other than finals night when the players will be on the alley by 8.00pm.
- In the Front First competitions, the front pin must be hit and fall. Only pins falling after the front are to count towards a player's score. When the front pin is hit with the second ball and a clear frame results, only pins falling after (and including) the front to be re-set for the third ball. Should the front pin be knocked down by another pin or a rebounding ball, it is to be re-spotted. All other pins which have fallen down to remain down.
- All fines will be decided by the Management Committee at the commencement of each season.
- All protests must be forwarded to the Secretary in writing within 72 hours of the event taking place.
- Any matter not covered herein, and frequent infringement of any rules or by-laws, will be dealt with by the Executive Committee.